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Meet the Teacher

What is your name?

My name is Talisha Smith.  I am a graduate of Northeastern State University and am currently working towards FACE master teacher certification in the Principle Approach method.

What do you teach?

I teach MS/HS Geology and 3rd-5th grade.

How many years have you taught at True Foundation?

I began teaching here 3 years ago.

What do you appreciate most about the Principle Approach?

I appreciate how the Principle Approach connects everything the children are learning back to God.

What do you see in your students that is most encouraging?

The most encouraging thing I see is when my students are truly grasping what I am teaching and growing confident in what we are doing every day.

Why do you love teaching at True Foundation?

I love teaching at True Foundation because I get to teach about God every day without fear of being reprimanded. I also love working on a team with other like-minded Christians and being able to share my thoughts and ideas and to feel they are valued.

How do you teach Biblical worldview in your classroom?

During my Bible lessons, I am able to teach lessons that relate to the children and the Bible story as well.

What do you think most students appreciate about your class?

During my Bible lessons, I am able to teach lessons that relate to the children and the Bible story as well.

What is unique about you, your talents, or interests that you bring to the class room?

I love making teaching fun! I like to use games, crafts, and different hands-on lesson activities to help my little ones understand the object of my lessons. I am always molding and changing things to fit my children and how they learn.

What have you seen in your students over the years that has touched your heart the most?

I love watching my children grow from little babies to confident boys and girls. I love being able to see how far they have come in just a year or two.

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